Dr. Zainal Alimuddin Zainal Alauddin
Area of Expertise: Alternative Energy Studies, Renewable Energy Studies, Biomass Energy, Gasification,Biomass Power Plant, Internal Combustion Engine, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning

Dr. Ahmad Yusoff Hassan
Honorable Professor
Area of Expertise: Product Development, MCAE: CAD/CAM – CNC Machining, Finite Element Analysis(FEA)

Dr. Zaidi bin Mohd Ripin
Area of Expertise:
Noise & Vibration, Finite Element Analysis, Design for Modularity, Rubber Seal Technologies, Thermal Stress Analysis & Reliability, Analysis for Electronic Packaging

Dr. Mohd. Zulkifly Abdullah
Area of Expertise: Electronic Packaging in 3D packaging and TSV, Advanced electronic cooling for high heat flux, Porous medium burner for domestic applications

Dr. Jamaluddin Abdullah
Associate Professor
Area of Expertise: CNC Programming (Machining), Rapid Prototyping, Functional Material, Material Characterisation, Shape Memory Alloy (SMA), SMA-Ceramic Composite, Solid State Synthesis of NiTi Alloys.

Dr. Khairudin Mohamed
Lecturer, Deputy Dean (Industry & Community Network)
Area of Expertise: Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Nanofabrication Technologies, Nanolithography Technologies, Nano-devices (MEMS/NEMS, Optical, Microfluidics, solar cells, SAW), Assembly & Test Manufacturing Technology for Electronic Components,Surface Mount Technology (SMT)

Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Associate Professor
Area of Expertise: Precision metal forming; Tooling design; Product design and development

Dr. Roslan Ahmad
Associate Professor
Area of Expertise: Impact Mechanics and Ballistics, Fibre Reinforced Composites, Finite Element Analysis

Dr. Zahhurin Samad
Associate Professor
Area of Expertise: Manufacturing Automation, Robotics, Control System, Machine Visions, Machine Equipment CNC, Nueral Networks, Artificial Intelligent PLC Computer Aided Manufacturing,Solar Detection System

Ir. Dr. Abdus Samad Mahmud
Senior Lecturer
Area of Expertise: Functional Material, Shape Memory Alloy, Material Characterization, Fracture Mechanics, Coating.

Dr. Amir Yazid Ali
Senior Lecturer
Area of Expertise:
Industrial Engineering, Quality Industrial Ergonomics, Manufacturing design

Dr. Inzarulfaisham Abd Rahim
Senior Lecturer
Area of Expertise:
Structural Optimization, Biomechanics, FEA, Noise and Vibration.

Mohzani Mokhtar
Senior Lecturer
Area of Expertise:
Laser Material Processing, Advanced Manufacturing Processes Industrial Engineering, Simulation of Manufacturing Operation

Dr. Abdullah Aziz Saad
Area of Expertise:
Nonlinear finite element analysis, Material behaviour modelling (plasticity, creep, fatigue), Analysis of electronic packaging

Dr. Ahmad Zhafran Ahmad Mazlan
Area of Expertise:
Active Vibration Control, Piezoelectric Sensor And Actuator,Structural Dynamic Modification, Active Force Control

Dr. Chan Keng Wai
Lecturer (MIMechE)
Area of Expertise: Refrigeration & air conditioning, Renewable energy,Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Sustainable design

Dr. Chin Jeng Feng
Area of Expertise: Production Scheduling, Manufacturing Planning and Control, Information System Management, Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Feizal Yusof
Lecturer (C.Eng, MIMechE)
Area of Expertise: Micromechanics of deformation, fatigue and fracture; Experimental fracture mechanics using non-invasive optical technique, Constraint based fracture mechanics; Fatigue crack growth issues related to residual stress and closure ,effect in metallic materials; Failure analysis and design assessment due to defects and cracks: Computational and experimental methods in fracture analyses.

Dr. Hasnida AB Samat

Dr. Khaled Ali Al-Attab
Area of Expertise: Renewable energy; Environmental studies; Biomass; Gasification and pyrolysis; Biodiesel; Heat transfer; Refrigeration & conditioning, Heat exchangers; Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) ,Directly and externally fired micro gas turbines IC engines; Stirling engines.

Dr. Loh Wei Ping
Area of Expertise: Data mining, Mathematical modeling, Applied Biomechanics

Dr. Mohamad Aizat Abas
Area of Expertise: Fluid-Structure Interaction(FSI), Finite Element Method,Finite Volume Method, Lattice Boltzmann Method, Electronic Packaging, Artery Bifurcation Aneurysm Problems, Porous Medium Combustion

Dr. Mohamad Yusof Idroas
Area of Expertise: Renewable Energy, Biomass Energy, Stirling Cycle Engine (EC Engine)

Dr. Mohd Azmi Ismail
Area of Expertise: Electronic Cooling ,Anti-Icing, Spillway dam, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD), Airconditioning

Dr. Mohd Salman Abu Mansor
Area of Expertise: Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), Reverse Engineering (RE), Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Systems Management (AMTSM)

Dr. Muhammad Iftishah Ramdan
Area of Expertise: Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles (HHV), Power split architecture, system optimization, dynamic programming

Dr. -Ing Muhammad Razi Abdul Rahman
Area of Expertise: Adaptive FEM, Modelling of microsystems; fast Iterative solvers, RF MEMS

Dr. Norzalilah Mohamad Nor
Area of Expertise: Intelligent control, Mechanism of robot, Mathematical modelling

Dr. Ooi Lu Ean
Area of Expertise: Vibration isolation and analysis, damping measurement, rubber characterization and testing, optimization and design

Dr. Ramdziah Md Nasir
Area of Expertise: Tribology of Engineering and Biomedical materials,Raman Spectroscopy, Manufacturing Engineering Materials

Dr. Teoh Yew Heng
Area of Expertise: Combustion & Fuel Engineering, Biofuels, Automotive, Internal Combustion Engines, Control Systems Engineering.